Setting up a Desktop PC on RHEL6

How to setup a desktop PC on RHEL 6.x

These are personal notes for myself to remember things, but they might serve others as well. This document is licensed under Creative Commons Licence 3.0 BY-SA.

The following document covers installation and post-install configuration of a Redhat Enterprise Linux Desktop for family desktop use. I will aim to be as friendly as possible to novice linux users. If you are nonetheless stuck at some point using this tutorial google should help answer your questions, just copy-paste your error message into google.

CentOS will be used as a free clone of RHEL. I switched over from Ubuntu to CentOs due to the plague that is Unity and overall better stability. However the Ubuntu way of doing this has somewhat influenced me, experienced linux users will probably notice.


PHP Dateiliste

Mittels einfachem PHP Script lassen sich alle Dateien (oder alle Dateien eines Typs, z.B. alle PDFs) in einem Ordner auflisten.

Das folgende Beispiel etwa als index.php speichern:

<title>Titel der Seite</title>
<img alt="Logo" src="Logo.png"/>
//get all image files with a .pdf extension.
$pdfs = glob("*.pdf");
//print each file name
foreach($pdfs as $pdf)
echo "<li><a href=$pdf>$pdf</a></li>";
//echo "<br>";

RHEL6 Linux Family Server

Setting up a „Family Server“ on RHEL 6.x:

These are personal notes for myself to remember things, but they might serve others as well. This document is licensed under Creative Commons Licence 3.0 BY-SA.

Sientific Linux (SL) is a free clone of RHEL6, just like CentOS. It will be used for the scope of this document, but you can use either one.

The following document covers installation of

MythTV: Server for watching and recording TV
Mythweb with apache webserver for remote administation of MythTV
BackupPC: a serverside Backup Demon that can backup Win and Linux Clients
VitualBox:  virtual PC emulator for running a virtual WinXP
Realcrypt: free Truecypt for encrypting some Backups
ZFS-on-Linux: the perfect filesystem for large-scale data storage (e.g. media files)
